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Skin Consultation

At Botanica we believe your skin today reflects the lifestyle choices you made yesterday. Skin is a living organ and mirrors what’s happening in our lives and in our bodies. In the same way that every day is different, our skin adapts and changes as much as we do, which is why at Botanica, we believe in tailoring custom skin plans for you to ensure we are caring for it with the right skin treatments and home care.

Combining state of the art technology in facial mapping with a lifestyle consultation, throughout your Reveal Imager Skin Analysis, we discuss your history, experiences, lifestyle, concerns and overall goals you have for your skin. From there, your Botanica skin expert will create a bespoke skin plan that will deliver you glowing, radiant results through a completely tailored treatment program and skincare routine. On completion of your skin analysis, we’ll follow up with your program options custom created for you.

45 minutes      $80
Consultation redeemable on your first skin treatment*

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