A facial treatment for glowing skin and a calm mind

Have you noticed that when life gets particularly busy your skin suffers? Whether it’s breakouts when you’re stressed, or you’re too overwhelmed to remember to wash your face before bed, or you’re rushing out the door in the morning, and forget your sunscreen. 

We’ve written about how you can create glowing skin from within, with the right food, supplements and hydration, but your skin’s health relies on the health of your mind too. 

Mindfulness is an awareness of how you are responding to the inevitable stressors that life throws at us - it’s  impossible to avoid stress - instead, it’s practising simple techniques to help us stay focused on the present moment. 

How is mindfulness connected to good skin?

Although “mindful”  is having a moment, the benefits of awareness and avoiding getting bogged down in stress will prevail long after the internet has moved on from the memes. 

Mindfulness reduces stress, helps you sleep and heightens your connection to your body, helping you nourish yourself well, and understand what is causing breakouts or flare ups. 

At Botanica Wellness Spa and Clinic, we’re big advocates for mindfulness; we know how it can support healthy, glowing skin. Our newest treatment combines our GINGER & ME Neurocosmedics with the gentle vibrations of sound healing for the ultimate skin-enhancing combination. 

Stress is bad for the skin 

Our bodies respond to stress by releasing hormones like cortisol, which cause inflammation and lead to breakouts. Stress can also trigger existing skin conditions, like eczema. 

Stress also causes muscle tension, especially in the face and neck area, which exacerbates fine lines and wrinkles. 

When we’re stressed our habits and routines fall by the wayside. We might spend hours at our desk and forget to go outside for fresh air, or we lean on unhealthy food for their comfort and convenience. All of this will be reflected in your skin. 

You can avoid stress by regulating your nervous system and regularly practising mindfulness techniques, like meditation, yoga or even going for a walk in nature without your phone.

Mindfulness helps with sleep

When you’re stressed, sleep is one of the main things that can be affected. 
Stress might make it difficult for you to sleep because your mind is racing, or it can take longer for you to wind down in the evening. 

Getting enough sleep is essential for good skin as: 

  • Blood flow to the skin increases overnight, delivering essential nutrients. 
  • Our bodies have time to detoxify while we sleep, helping to remove skin impurities. 
  • Skin cell turnover happens as we sleep, which rejuvenates our skin. 

Mindfulness helps us cultivate and enjoy routine 

Your skincare routine is time in your day where you prioritise your health and wellbeing, it can feel meditative and be its own exercise in mindfulness. 

And while we don’t need a seventeen step skincare regime to establish a routine, you’ll see visible improvements in your skin if you are consistently following a skincare routine. 

A few ways to incorporate mindfulness into your skincare routine:

  • Taking the time to pause and cleanse your face punctuates your day, with a deliberate beginning and end to the busyness. The AHA Milk-Gel Cleanser is a beautiful, gentle cleanser that will lightly exfoliate the skin. 
  • Adding vitamin C to your morning skincare routine will get you glowing and confident to face your day. Try the Super Vitamin C which is loaded with 7 powerful forms of Vitamin C, which target signs of ageing like fine lines and dullness.
  • For mindful moments throughout your day, check in with your skin and see if you’re feeling tight or dehydrated. This check in will bring your awareness to the present moment, and offers you the opportunity to replenish dehydrated skin with a few drops of your favourite oil formula. We love The Glow Oil, which is a powerful combination of 12 different oils that leave you with rejuvenated, hydrated skin. 
  • Have a mask moment for the ultimate mindfulness and skincare combination. Pop on the Power Exfoliant Mask in the bath, or while you’re listening to a sound healing meditation and experience the benefits of clinically proven skin care, with the healing benefits of mindfulness. 

Mindfulness supports a holistic approach to your lifestyle, and a holistic approach to your skincare is the best way to achieve a glowing, healthy complexion that runs deeper than surface level. At Botanica Wellness Spa and Clinic, we’re here to support you in and out of the clinic. 

For more tips on nutrition and skincare, or to book your next spa treatment, visit us at Botanica Wellness Spa and Clinic at the Melbourne Intercontinental Hotel.

At Botanica Wellness Spa and Clinic, our treatments are designed to treat more than just your skin; they’re created to calm both your mind and body. With a range of specialised body treatments and spa packages, we are dedicated to supporting a healthy mind and glowing, healthy skin.

From anti-aging therapies targeting fine lines and neuro ageing, to our signature mindfulness facial and mindfulness sessions, each of our spa treatments is guaranteed to help you combat modern day skin disruptors like stress. Whether you're seeking rejuvenating skin treatments or indulgent relaxation, our experiences nurtures both your body and mind.